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Saturday, June 18, 2011

A Chicago Designer On The Rise...Kwame Brown Spotlight

Kwame Brown is a committed businessman at the age of 22!!! A Creative Designer for his new line Buck Brown. He has traveled the Globe and worked with manufactures firsthand in countries such as China, Hong Kong, & Africa! He gathers materials from different parts of the world to create some of his custom pieces. Kwame gives us a preview of what's to come & a look at his custom blazers!!!

C.Chic: Where do you find your inspiration for your line?
Kwame: The will to be taken seriously as a young professional just..... drives me! In this generation people believe what they see so, i want to help other professionals look motivated and successful with their appearance. The right Attire makes a difference in communication through your body language, your confidence reflects in everything you do in life. My line CREATES! confidence.

C.Chic:How long have you been designing your unique denim and blazer pieces?
Kwame:Ive always been into design but never for others i started in march of this year.

C.Chic:Tell me more about your journey? How you travel the world for inspiration and materials for your line?
Kwame:Hong Kong was my introduction to the design world, its amazing to see! traveling changes your perspective. Creates opportunity for global success with both contacts and rare material.

C.Chic: What are your goals for your menswear line? Does that include creating custom women pieces as well someday? (*fingers crossed*)~^_*
Kwame:I want to bring the combination of blazers with denim in complete fashion harmony lol, i feel like there's no designers making them together but lots of men wear them together, myself included. Imagine blazers with the right denim and design. Women are important to me my job everyday is to improve their appearance through hair fashion self confidence etc.  I also have lots of female designs for both blazers and denim.

C.Chic: I love that you think globally instead of just locally! But tell us please when you will be showcasing a fashion show here in Chicago to debut your collection?
Kwame: Nothing set in stone for that really, this year i am focused on brand building and establishing more relationships as a new designer. I would love to put something together fall 2011 big inspiration going forward.

C.Chic: For Sure! Lastly what are some of your style ICONS that Inspire?
Kwame: Honestly I haven't drew any inspiration from other designers thus far. That is all apart of my experience going forward, i have intentions to reach out and meet other icons in fashion for education and inspiration.

You heard it first here at CChicChicago! Kwame the Upcoming Chicago Designer who will be your one stop shop for custom blazers and denim. Both instant transformation changer pieces!!!


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